I have been participating in a Google+ Community on Photography called 256 Shades of Gray. It is a year-long exploration of B&W photography (last year I began as a participant, then became a moderator and later, one of the owners; this year we have a larger group, so I am one of three owners, and there are also quite a few moderators of the group). Our current assignment is to create a series of images that fit well together, express a theme, and to also provide a description of them. This image is from that assignment.
**Motivation for the Series:** One of my favorite places to visit is the nearby botanical gardens. In July their Japanese garden (as well as other exhibits) is lovely, and includes a beautiful pond with lily pads, whose huge flowers are opening. I wanted to capture the stages of the opening flowers.
Vision for the Series: The stages of life represented by the stages of the flowers.
Unifying Elements of the Series: dark background, contrast levels, tint
Processing Approach for the Series: Open in LR, adjust blacks, whites, contrast. In Dfine reduce noise. Enhance details in Color Efex Pro. Convert to B&W in SEP using Fine Art preset and adjusting structure, brightness, contrast. Add warm tint via personal LR preset.